
Isabella aka Izzy

We decided not to include Izzy in our breeding program. She has been spayed and is my little office and couch buddy. It is good that she loves to be carried around because she injured her back leg last summer.

Izzy thinks she is a super star! She loves everyone and thinks that everyone loves her. Trips downtown (anywhere with shop windows that she can peak into) makes her day. She is a very inquisitive, extroverted puppy. Every day has a new adventure. Izzy is extremely human focused. She is always looking for the next person to love. She can never have too many friends. Izzy does not know the meaning of loyalty…she will run toward any new person she sees, if she gets the chance. She just knows that they will love her.

Izzy is a puppy from Buster and Freda’s last litter.

Click here for Izzy’s Embark Panel Results

Retired and living with their Forever Families

Port Bee’s Little Fire Cracker “Libby”

Libby has gone to live with the family that adopted her daughter Foxy. We are hoping that this will be the perfect forever home for Libby.

Libby was born on May 15th, 2018. She came home to our family on Friday, July 13th, 2018.

Click here for Libby’s Embark Panel Results


Port Bee’s Buster Boy

Buster has a wonderful temperament, he loves to run, play & is crazy for balls. A high energy boy always looking for a new adventure & eager to please.

Here is a link to Buster’s Embark Genetic Panel:

We have retired Buster at the end of 2020. After he was neutered, we have found him a new home with a young family in the Seattle area. 

Passed onto Rainbow Bridge

Albert has passed onto Rainbow Bridge, 11-17-2021

I first met Albert on March 11th, 2020, when I picked him up from the airport. He was the most amazing ball of fluff and extremely lovable and friendly. On our drive home from Seattle, he sat in my lap and barked at every white pickup he saw. We never knew why he got so excited about white pickups; he didn’t care about any other type of vehicles. Albert brought so much joy to our family during some of our most trying times. He was with us from the start of the pandemic. He made life so much brighter for my mother and grandmother who needed to stay home while I worked long hours. Albert loved to go places. He was obsessed with the front door. In the morning he would always try to rush out before everyone else. It was important to him to be the first one to the gate in the hopes that I might take him with me. He was always the side seat driver. He was offended when he had to sit in the back seat. He loved everyone and never met a stranger; everyone was his friend. Unfortunately, Albert became ill in early September of 2021. We saw several vets and followed all the advice we were given. We were told that Albert most likely had Meningoencephalitis of Unknown Etiology (MUE) it was an Auto Immune Inflammatory Brain Disease. There was no cure for his illness and all that we were offered was medication to decrease the inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. He was also on an antibiotic. We were told that we could have between 3 months to a few years; everything depended on how Albert responded and if he had a relapse. About 2 weeks ago we were told to start the taper on one of his medications. We followed instructions but Albert had a relapse within a few days. His neurologist was very concerned and said that Alberts’s prognoses was not good because he relapsed so early in the taper. He had us increase Alberts’s meds back to the level he was at before the relapse and added another medication that we picked up last Saturday. Albert started on it Sunday morning and just wasn’t acting like himself on Monday and Tuesday, due to the new medication. Around 10 pm last night Albert didn’t want to take his medication. Which was unusual because he loved taking it and would always be excited. He didn’t seem to be having any other issues. After we convinced him to take his medication, he drank some water and went to lay down on his bed. I figured I would call the vet in the morning if he was still not acting like himself. I didn’t see any indication of an emergency. When I got up this morning Albert was laying in the same spot and would not respond to me. He would just look at me, he was not able to stand up. I called the vet and they said to bring him in. Albert passed away while I was carrying him to the car this morning. He was only with us for 19 months, but he made the time so special. Our home feels so empty without him. I will think about Albert every time I open the front door. It was the most exciting thing for him, just the thought that he might get to go for a car ride.

Click here for Albert’s Embark Panel Results


Tatters has gone to Rainbow Bridge, 2-3-2021

Tatters, my beloved Pomeranian of 12 years passed away peacefully at home last night. Tatters was the best dog anyone could have. I raised him from the time he was born. We have been through a lot together. Tatters loved going places. His favorite words were “road trip”. He loved adventure but only if it was in comfort, hotels and comfy puppy car seats were his preferred places. He hated dirt and dust. I took him camping once and he refused to come out of the tent…the ground outside did not have lawn or carpet. Just dirt. He made me carry him the whole weekend. The rugged lifestyle was not for him!

Tatters lived for a good 12 years. He was going through some things since this last fall. I worked with our vet to make him as comfortable as we could, but they told me we only had a few months left together. Even though I knew this day was coming it is still hard to say goodbye. I am so glad to have spent the time I did with Tatters. He was a loyal friend and faithful companion. I will always remember him for the unconditional love that he gave me.

“Having a dog will bless you with many of the happiest days of your life, and one of the worst.”


Meet Tatters! He is our 11 year old retired male Pomeranian. He was from one of the last litters my mother and I bred in 2009. After he was born I made the decision to retire my breeding program and the Willowwinds name. I wanted to go back to school and get my Bachelors. I went to Eastern Washington University and got my degree in Business Management. I now work in hospitality here in the Port Angeles area. Tatters has been my companion along the way and has helped with raising my current poms.