Libby's puppies Day 11

Puppies are all doing well, the littlest puppy, #1 Tanner, is getting by almost without any supplement feedings in a 24 hr period. His weight is finely going up nicely everyday. We have been getting their weights every 3 hours & keep an eye on the family 24/7. With the weight gains since the 6th being good & consistent, we can now go to getting weights every 4 hours :) But we still have to take turns staying up at night to keep an eye on them until their eyes open & can get around good. At day 11, #1 Tanner weighs 4.8 ounces; #2 Marcus (our Party boy) weighs 7.3 ounces; #3 Harris weighs 6.7 ounces & our little girl Hazel weighs 6 oz.

Sara Parks