Libby's puppies out playing

Libby’s puppies are out running around :) They have run of the house as they learn about shoes; doors; chairs with wheels; cats & which of the adult dogs will play with you & who to stay away from, like grouchy Tatters, our 11 yr old retired Pom, who does not like puppies.

A complex world, with movement & sometimes sudden scary noises like a dish falling or a sudden outburst of aggressive barking from a sound the older Poms heard. All these things help to prepare them for their forever homes. We have open crates around the house that are sleeping spots for our dogs, the puppies are learning which crate & with which Pom they can sleep with. There are every day sounds in our home they have been learning, like dish washers; doors closing; dishes clanging; T.V. on; dropping things; snoring; water running; nail clipping; showers; clocks sounding off wake-up alarms & one that has ‘birds singing’ every hour; they even get to hear the ‘fire alarm’ going off because of water boiling on the stove top. Every day sounds they could hear during their lives. Even learning about the two cats is complex because one cat is nice & the other is grouchy. Two of the most important things to teach them & the scariest is shoes & not sleeping below our office chairs.

Long ago, my Mom bought a Pom puppy, we named him Red, he was a Red Merle Parti Pom, cutest little sweetheart. Red fast became a favorite with my two younger teenage sons who loved to play with him. Red was 14 weeks old when a tragedy happened ☹ My son was hanging up a curtain & as he stepped down off the ladder, Red was waiting for him. My son stepped backwards & stepped on Red. We picked him up & went quickly to an emergency Vet. Checking Red over, the Vet was not optimistic about Red’s chances to live. Red had a broken rib, fluid in his lungs & was in shock. There was a medicine he could give him to help clear the fluids, but it could cause a heart attack :/ If we did nothing, Red would die, so we took the chance, went home and waited for the call.

It wasn’t long & we got the call; Red was up & doing much better even playing with a toy :) We were so happy, Red would soon be coming home. A few hours later, we received another call from our Vet but this time it was not good ☹ Red was playing happily then stopped, had a massive heart attack & passed away. With heavy hearts we went & picked up Red, bringing him home & burying him near a bush in our backyard. Four months later, my Mom bought Pepper, our new Parti boy & Tatter’s grandfather. Pepper never got the attention Red had but grew to be a favorite of mine & such a beautiful boy.

Sara Parks