Tatters has gone to Rainbow Bridge, 2-3-2021

Tatters, my beloved Pomeranian of 12 years passed away peacefully at home last night. Tatters was the best dog anyone could have. I raised him from the time he was born. We have been through a lot together. Tatters loved going places. His favorite words were “road trip”. He loved adventure but only if it was in comfort, hotels and comfy puppy car seats were his preferred places. He hated dirt and dust. I took him camping once and he refused to come out of the tent…the ground outside did not have lawn or carpet. Just dirt. He made me carry him the whole weekend. The rugged lifestyle was not for him!

Tatters lived for a good 12 years. He was going through some things since this last fall. I worked with our vet to make him as comfortable as we could, but they told me we only had a few months left together. Even though I knew this day was coming it is still hard to say goodbye. I am so glad to have spent the time I did with Tatters. He was a loyal friend and faithful companion. I will always remember him for the unconditional love that he gave me.

“Having a dog will bless you with many of the happiest days of your life, and one of the worst.”
